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As i promised, i am going to explain, by using my own experiences, the different issues of students. Well, in this very minute, after travelling for over two hours at the passageway, i finally found a seat in this beautiful, graceful and the most important - comfortable - train. I, as many other students, had to move out of my family house to study at the university. My family is over 200 kilometers away so i had to make some effort to meet them. The effort, you may ask. Yes. I'm not talking about travelling for a couple of hours or about the quality of my journey. No, those things do not matter to me at all, when i'm coming home after a few weeks, it takes a lot to ruine my mood. However, there is someone, someone who may seem very alike me. The other passengers. Not once i was hit by the big suitcase of someone who simply wanted to crash my leg ( i know my legs are not the greatest, but come on people). Not once as well i was criticized by someone who decided that me, sittin

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