My journey with all this world of blogs, Instagrams and many other things that are widely strange for me has been long and tough. Obviously, i heard and used them many times, i don't live in a cave, but technological things where we are supposed to express ourselves and share with others, strangers (sick!) always seemed quite ridiculous for me, i never felt this kind of need anyway. However, my life remembers some attempts of blogging, none of them is still alive unfortunately (or fortunately?). This one, after a long long break, is on the other hand non-volunteered, it's my english project from the university. Well, i have to admit that at the very beginning i felt anxious about the idea itself, i don't have to mention how the process of making it real was making me feel, you can imagine. However, after long debates that i was making in my head, i accepted it and today i pulled myself togheter. And here we are. I know it may sounds hilarious for some people and i know that it shouldn't be that hard for me but what can i say? Some people are afraid of spiders, i am afraid of social medias.
The blog requires many things. First of all - the name. God, that was the hard one. And it's still nonsensical.
Second - the main topic. I was thinking bravely and i couldn't think of anything special so i decided to write about student life and its ridiculous, funny, sad and difficult aspects.
I guess only those two things are needed, as i can see.
It wasn't that hard after all.


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