As i promised, i am going to explain, by using my own experiences, the different issues of students. Well, in this very minute, after travelling for over two hours at the passageway, i finally found a seat in this beautiful, graceful and the most important - comfortable - train.
I, as many other students, had to move out of my family house to study at the university. My family is over 200 kilometers away so i had to make some effort to meet them. The effort, you may ask. Yes. I'm not talking about travelling for a couple of hours or about the quality of my journey. No, those things do not matter to me at all, when i'm coming home after a few weeks, it takes a lot to ruine my mood. However, there is someone, someone who may seem very alike me. The other passengers. Not once i was hit by the big suitcase of someone who simply wanted to crash my leg ( i know my legs are not the greatest, but come on people). Not once as well i was criticized by someone who decided that me, sitting on the floor, that's just inappropriate. And not once (but twice actually) i was woken up by someone who had an emergent issue to discuss with a friend on the phone while sitting with others. I know that our trains may not be as they are in our wild imagination but there is not much that we can do about this. But there's one thing. One thing's that, trust me, i know what i'm saying, will be a cure to all yours aches and pains that comes to you while travelling. This thing is called kindness. So the next time when you hit someone with your suitcase just say "i'm sorry" and keep running to catch your train but at least stop for this 3 seconds and apologize. That may not change our trains, but i heard somewhere that we always should start changing ourselves before changing the world.


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